Thursday, February 5, 2009

E-mail of the Day

From a dear associate of mine:

Honestly, what scares me the most isn't that the Democrats refuse to act
like the party in power, but the way the American people are responding
right now and how quiet the Democrats are over it.

I mean, read stuff like this:

ZOMGZ!?! A couple politicians didn't pay their taxes, properly! And now they
want to spend $900 billion on economic stimulus?! BOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The reality is, it is that, or we all start getting in fucking bread lines
in front of Bill Gates house. This is how responsible governments react to
economic crisis and political scandal. Get over it already. Only they can't
because the Democrats are as timid now as they were in 2003, only now they
have a massive majority in both Houses! It scares the bejebus out of me. No
one is talking but the Republicans and lapdog Americans are eating it up
because Keynesian economics, infrastructure spending, and redistribution of
wealth are "big, scary" terms to them.
The Democrats need to be louder, and frankly, they need to do what Bush did to sell the Iraq War, use a little fear-mongering. The difference of course is that there is actually a real threat to this nation and that fact is getting lost in the practically pointless debate about government spending in the stimulus. Fine, attack a few line items as "pork," but you know what, that money is going right into an economy that needs it.

The Republicans have spent decades telling you the government is going to rape you, but now we have no one but the government willing to put money into this economy and the knee-jerk reaction is to flip out about the government spending "your money." If someone doesn't spending money we're going to be much worse off then we are now.